Blog Posts
Part of our mission is to inform our community on shoes, running, health, and more! That’s why we provide educational blog post to help you learn what it takes to live your happiest and healthiest lifestyle. Don’t be afraid to message us or come by with any questions you may have. We are not here to judge, only to help you be the best version of yourself!

From Surgery to Start Line: A Triumph of the Spirit
2020. A year to remember, but one most of us would also like to forget.
A treasured employee lost his father in January 2020, and I attended the funeral. It was in a Presbyterian church in Van Buren. The old pews and the songs made me want to get back to worshiping regularly at a church. Since opening my store and working every weekend, I’d moved my long training runs to Sundays and eventually stopped attending church. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for or what I needed, but I felt a change of some kind was in order. After messaging a friend about Covenant Presbyterian Church in Fort Smith, I thought, “After my race in March, I’ll go check it out.”

A love letter to running
It certainly wasn’t love at first sight, or even love at first try. Running and I were set up on a date by my old college roommate, Carrie Daniels. Like any first date, it was awkward. Both of us trying to figure each other out—asking questions (Who are you? What are you looking for?), proposing small challenges (You think you can do this? You think you can handle me?). After the initial awkwardness of our first few dates, we hit a groove.
Winter weather
If the weather isn't looking too good on Monday, we'll post on our social media pages and our website whether we plan to open or not. Stay warm and stay safe these next few days!

Avoiding Burnout
Written By: Melissa Vitale Burnout. It’s an unfortunate reality at work, school, and also in exercise. Burnout from any of these can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health, so let’s take a look at ways to prevent burnout. First, let’s...
Running in Cold Weather
Written By: Melissa Vitale Running. Just the sport itself is a challenge. But, like anything else, there are added challenges withinthe sport that make it, well…more challenging. For example, running in cold weather. Maybe you started running this year because you...
What Our Team Wants Beginner Runners To Know
Everyone has to start somewhere and we here at TGRC understand that undoubtedly. It’s not easy taking that first step. There will be times throughout the beginning of your journey where you will make some mistakes and you may begin to feel overwhelmed. Don’t panic!...
If you come into a specialty store like ours, it’s common you’ll be asked a lot of questions, because that is how we find your perfect shoe. It can be overwhelming, especially if you feel unprepared. So, here are four questions to consider before purchasing your next...